Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Theology of Suffering

I referenced Matt Chandler's testimony in my sermon from Philippians 1:12-20 this past Sunday. Here is his testimony from the T4G 2010 conference I attended last week. The church indeed needs a Biblical theology of suffering.

T4G 2010 -- Session 8 -- Matt Chandler from Together for the Gospel (T4G) on Vimeo.

Together For The Gospel 2010

T4G 2010 -- Session 9 -- C.J. Mahaney from Together for the Gospel (T4G) on Vimeo.

I had the privilege of attending this years T4G2010 event last week. What a blessing. Here is one of the messages shared for your edification. Thanks be to God for the Gospel.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How To Know the Will of God

Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung has done many of us a great service in helping us find and understand the will of God for our lives. So often I see too many Christians paralyzed and fearful of making any kind of decision, because they don't want to miss God's will. DeYoung helps us discover the truth from the Scriptures and frees us to "just do something." I believe if you read this book it will help you tremendously.

Behold The Cross of Christ....

"Are you living in any kind of sin? Are you following the cross of this world, neglecting your soul? Hear! I beseech you, what I say to you this day: 'Behold the cross of Christ.'

See there how Jesus loved you! See there what Jesus suffered to prepare for you a way of salvation! Yes, careless men and women, for you that blood was shed! For you those hands and feet were pierced with nails! For you that body hung in agony on the cross!

You are they whom Jesus loved, and for whom He died! Surely that love ought to melt you. Surely the thought of the cross should draw you to repentance. Oh, that it might be so this very day!"

- J.C. Ryle "Behold The Cross of Christ"