Friday, May 6, 2011

Loose Spark Plugs?

For the word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. -Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV)

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I had just done an oil change on my car, and Dad recommended we run a compression test. (You don't need to know what that is- I didn't until yesterday.) While running the test, we discovered that the spark plugs were a lot looser than the service manual specified they should be. Once the test was done, we made sure the spark plugs were tightened to specs and fired up the car. It roared to life, sure as anything, but we were greeted by the sight and smell of blue smoke puffing out the exhaust pipe!

Now, for those of us who know about as much about cars as I did before I bought this one, blue smoke coming out the back is not a good sign. It means your car is burning much more oil than it ought to. As it turns out, the loose spark plugs were very likely left that way to cover up a more significant engine problem- the one causing the blue smoke. The car I bought two months ago is suddenly a lot closer to the end of its lifetime than I thought it was.

Sometimes sin problems in our lives can be covered up by cheap fixes like those loose spark plugs. When we find a problem in our attitude or habits and decide it's not worth the effort needed to fix it, we'll ignore it and deaden our consciences to it. However, the problem is still there- and often it gets worse when we fail to address it. Sin problems grow, and they affect our relationship with our Father in heaven. As with my engine, sooner or later there's going to be a breakdown. Fortunately, you and I know the Master Mechanic, and He's perfectly willing to fix the root problem- at no cost- if you're willing to swallow your pride and surrender your life to Him.

You know what strikes me as illogical? We often give a lot more attention to problems with our cars, our homes, our toys, or our bodies, than we give to spiritual problems in our own lives. Compared to your life, a car is completely disposable. A car will reach the end of its lifetime and fall apart; it serves its purpose and then we stop caring about it. You, however, will live forever. Shouldn't you then pay attention to warning signals in your life more so than signs that your car is falling apart? The Bible will let you diagnose any issues in your life; your loving Heavenly Father will help you overcome them. Don't wait until you're broken down on the side of the road to consult the manual and repair your engine.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Devote Summer Series

Don't forget about the new Summer Series the youth will be doing this year. Devoted...hiding His Word in our hearts.