Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Practical Theology for Parenting....

Danny Akin, president of Southeaster Seminary in his sermon on Ephesians 6:1-4 offers the following insight in the nurturing our children. I've found his insight from Scripture very helpful....

Practical theology – guidelines as to how to nurture our children so that they walk in the admonition of the Lord.

1. We love our children by entering into their world. This action was modeled by Jesus Christ. Look at your kids and see how they look at life – love them by getting into their world. This is a challenge, but you will love them well as you work at it.

2. You love your kids by loving your mate. Few things bring security to kids like knowing their parents love one another.

3. You love your kids by giving them discipline.
a. Give kids a big playing field, not a little box.
b. Be consistent in your discipline. Parents, agree with one another where the lines are – then enforce consistently.
We are responsible to discipline our children all the days they are under our watch care. But we adjust the way we discipline as they grow older. Proverbs 29:15 – rod when they’re young – rebuke when they’re older. Spanking can be appropriate. As they get older, rebuke is more effective.

4. You love your kids by the way you look at them (Proverbs 24:12). Eyes are an incredible means of communication. They communicate anger, disappointment, pride, love.

5. You love them by touching them (Ecclesiastes 3:5). Embrace your children. Daughters need hugs and kisses from dads. Sons need tender affection from mom.

6. You love your kids by spending time with them. A recent survey found that 5 year olds spend 25 – 35 good minutes with mom and dad, but 20 – 35 hours a week with an electronic babysitter.

7. You love your kids by listening to them. Consider James 1:19 – swift to hear, slow to speak. Show them that you think what they think is important.

8. You love children by blessing them rather than cursing them. Your words are important. Use your words to build up, not tear down. Children often fulfill the verbal prophecies of mom and dad.

9. You love your kids by having fun with them. Make your house a fun place to be.

10. You love your kids by nudging them out of the nest. Your goal as a parent is that when you’re not around anymore, they will live appropriately before the Lord. As they grow up, increase their responsibilities. Be careful about constructing too strong a cocoon around your kids. Allow them to make age-appropriate decisions.

11. You love your kids by admitting when you’re wrong. “I was wrong, I am sorry, will you forgive me?” Don’t let your pride get in the way of asking for your kids’ forgiveness.

12. You love your kids by introducing them to a perfect Parent. You can be good parents – you can even be great parents. Your kids have a hole in their soul which can only be filled by a perfect Parent – our heavenly Father.