Thursday, March 18, 2010

God, My Heart, Media

It's no secret that teenagers are bombarded with messages from the media. Whether those messages are pushing a social agenda or a new consumer product, their world is being shaped by the various media we bring into our home.

Wednesday night we talked in our series: "In The World....But Not of The World" about the danger and influence of mindlessly watching, listening to, and investing in media. We as parents have a vital role in helping lead our students to evaluate their media choices for the Glory of Christ. Ephesians 5 reminds us to live a life pleasing to God because we are children of light.

As a family, discuss how these messages compare to the standards set forth in God's Word. For help in facilitating these discussions, consider visiting the websites of organizations like the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding ( or Focus on the Family (

Each site includes helpful articles about media to being the discussion.

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