Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Using Music Intake For God's Glory

How can we as families, parents and students, evaluate whether we are potentially drifting into worldliness in relation to music or with our music intake? Here are some signs that you're already there:

1. You seldom or never use Scripture to evaluate your decisions about music.
2. Your music listening is characterized by objectional content or ungodly contexts.
3. Your priorities and schedule revolve around music.
4. Your passion for Christ has waned; your passion for music hasn't.

Music is meant to bring honor and glory to Christ. Both as parents and students we have the responsibility of evaluating our music choices and growing in our discernment, in this case, as it relates to music. As a family, talk with your student about the music they are listening to, the time they spend listening to music, and whether the content and context of the music they enjoy is drawing them closer to the Savior.

(from Worldliness, C.J. Mahaney, ed.)

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