Friday, May 7, 2010

God, My Heart, Media...

Worldliness - CJ Mahaney

“If you’re a parent, you have the privilege and responsibility to serve and protect your family with accountability. Its wise to place televisions and computers in public areas of the home so viewing is always open to others. Another way to safeguard the family is to employ an Internet filter to block inappropriate web sites. In our part of the country, many homes are now built with media rooms that provide isolated viewing, often in a remote part of the home. Few combinations are more dangerous for a teenager than cable or satellite television, a media room, and privacy. Parents should set biblical guidelines and be aware of when, where, and what their children watch. Foolish companions are not only out there in the world, they can be invited into our homes if we aren’t discerning about what our children view. Its easy for parents to be passive in our supervision of the family media diet. When we’ve failed to exercise protective oversight for the quantity or content of our children’s viewing, we should repent and ask our children’s forgiveness.” (64)

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