Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are You Set Apart?

"I expect and hope...to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on earth, whether I live or die." Philippians 1:20

Paul was speaking to the citizens in Philppi when he uttered these powerful words. They were meant not only to be an eye opening and inspiring message to them, but also a serious reminder to himself about his real purpose in life. Have you given much thought to your own purpose in life as a Christian?

Granted, not every one of us is going to be as focused and driven as Paul was for the cause of Christ. However, this verse does serve as a very meaningful reminder of how we ought to live as followers of Christ. Essentially, Paul was willing to give his life for the cause of Christianity. He ultimately did at the hands of Roman soldiers.

For sure, you don't have to be beheaded like Paul to prove you're a good Christian, but you can certainly behave in a way that says to others you have the qualities it takes to be known as one. I am reminded of the way a Christian drive-in restaurant chain owner stated it: "I never told anyone I'm a Christian; I just expect the way I live my life to show it." That definitely walks the talk.

And that's the kind of stuff Paul was talking about in this verse. So what about you? What would people say about your life? Does it make them sit up, take notice, and see something different? One definition of Christian is "set apart.” Does your life look like you are 'set apart' from the rest of the world? My challenge for you today is to take a serious look at yourself and carefully answer that question.


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