Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blood of Whiteout

The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7) NKJV.

"How can I ever become a Christian after all that I have done? I mean, I have gone way too far this time. There is no way I can get into heaven now." Have you ever asked yourself these questions, or maybe heard them from a friend? Not one of us can avoid sin as it constantly hunts us down; but let us rest assured that we have one awesome Jesus who can forgive and cleanse our lives of everything we have done. So when we get to heaven, we will stand in front of our Father with a clean slate.

Every day as we wake up to a new dawn, another piece of paper is added to our book of life. You carefully write down every little detail with each and every move you make. Nothing is left out, not the day you kindly gave a dollar to a friend in need, nor the time you carefully stole the dessert off of your friend's lunch tray. Each day your page comes to an end as you fall asleep, and the pages are turned as they wait for the first rays of the morning sun to add another. We all have some points in our lives in which we know that God was looking down on us and smiling; but more than that, we feel that we let Him down, as another sin is added to the text.

When the last second of our lives tick, we will enter judgement, the time when our term paper called life will be turned in. As you walk up to the desk and hand your work over to our Great Teacher, there is no doubt in your mind that you have failed. For even one sin is too many to get us into Heaven. As we hold our heads down in shame awaiting the call for Hell, Jesus walks up. He kindly whispers to His Father, "Dad, hold on a second. I'm sorry to interrupt You but, You see, I promised him that I would edit his paper before it was turned in." Then our loving Lord hands Jesus your rough draft, and with His precious blood, turns our mess of scribble full of sin into an errorless masterpiece.

Brothers and sisters, rejoice, for we have the best Friend in the universe that will make sure we pass the test of life if we will only ask Him to edit it. There is no doubt that each one of us deserves Hell. We all deserve to die for the horrible lives we live on earth, but then Jesus walks up and hands the final draft to our Teacher. He pulls His red pen out and starts to grade. You sit there waiting the inevitable fate, then He looks up and smiles, marks down and A, and answers, "Well done good and faithful one, welcome home." May peace be with you.

Your Brother in Christ,
Tony Rhoda


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