Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mighty to Save

"The LORD your God is with you; He is mighty to save." Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

When we received our salvation, it marked a change for us. Or at least it should have. Do you behave any differently than before you accepted Christ as your savior? If you don't, maybe it is time for you to perform a heart (and a reality) check. We all need compassion, forgiveness and kindness in our lives and the mercy of a loving God has provided those essential needs to us.

One of my all-time favorite songs is by the group Hillsong United (Australia) titled "Mighty to Save." I saw Hillsong play here in Phoenix last fall and the song just ignites your heart with the love of Jesus. The words extol the mightiness of a God who can literally move mountains if He wants to. They also sing about shining your light, so the whole world can see. My question to you is, does the world see your light shining? Is it a bright light or is it a dim one, barely glowing? Shining our light brightly is one thing that we can do to show the world the glory of God!

As the following verses tell us, "The Lord God is with you... He will take great delight in you." These words are a wonderful reassurance for us that God always has our best interests at heart. Should this not be true for us as well? Do you have friends at school, church or work that need someone to encourage them, show them kindness, or maybe show them some compassion when they are hurting? These are the things that we as Christians are called to do.

I greatly encourage you, as you go about your life, try your best to be a shining light to a broken world. The reality is that everyone needs a Savior, and He is mighty to save! Help your broken friends find Jesus today!


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