Saturday, February 5, 2011

Putting Your Life Together

Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.-Matt 10:29-31 (NKJV)

As I turned the corner of the skate room at work, I gazed up at a pile of old torn apart skates. I had been assigned to repair every skate that was stacked on two shopping carts that stretched to the ceiling. Some had broken axles, some with torn shoe laces. And yet others that just needed a complete and total make over.

Not knowing were to start, I grabbed the one on top. As I sat it down on the counter, I could have cried when I saw all that had to be done just to get this poor little skate back in working order. I started to wonder if it was even worth all the trouble. This skate was trashed. But, I started with the toe stopper and put a new sole and shoe lace on, and it started to look better. Then new wheels and bearings, then a half hour later....the once ragged skate looked shiny and new. I took it for a test spin around the floor, and you could see the proud look on my face from the other end of the rink as I skated back to the front with my new found friend.

Some of you may feel like your in that shopping cart today. Maybe you feel that you have been out of working order with the Lord for to long and there is no way to get back to Him. But, then our Father picks us up and sets us on the counter. He starts to cry as He looks at His pride and joy in pieces. But instead of throwing us away. He starts to work on us. Taking one thing at a time till we get back on the floor again.

Friends, don't ever think that you've gone to far, or that you've become so messed up that even the Lord can't put you back together. If we will just come to Him and ask for help, and forgiveness then He can mold us in His image. By walking beside Him daily, you can start to see Jesus in you, and so will others. If you haven't excepted Jesus, then do it today. Ask Him to come into your heart, and to forgive you for your sins. Maybe today you think that you have back slid to far, you want the peace and the love that only Jesus can give. Well, rededicate your life. Just ask the Lord to forgive you and to make you strong and put your life back together. There isn't a thing that the Lord will not fix if you just let Him. May peace be with you.

Your Brother in Christ,
Tony Rhoda


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