Sunday, February 13, 2011

Your Treasure

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. -Matt 6:21 (NIV)

How many of us collect baseball cards, or comic books? I used to love anything with a dollar sign in front of it. It's especially appealing when you hear stories all the time about someone selling an old Mickey Mantle card and buying a new Dodge Viper or selling a stack of old comic books so they can finally get that brand new bike they have always wanted.

When we think of treasures maybe a dark dungeon deep within the earth comes to mind, or a dragon that will put his life on the line to guard his most valuable possessions from the medieval knights who come to make a name of themselves. Whether a thousand years ago or today, this verse still makes sense. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Sit back and look at what you have and what you value most in your life. Right now I really treasure my truck, computer, and girlfriend. So needless to say, that is where you can find my heart. This verse is so true, so easy, but yet so deadly and costly. When we get to heaven there will be no need to drive around a '96 Ford Ranger, no need to go online, and definitely no need for a girlfriend. There will be only one need, and that is to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

This week, along with myself, look over what you cherish the most. What do you find hard to live without? Girls, how long can you live without phone privileges? Guys, how long can you live without the TV? When we look over things it's easy to see why this verse is so powerful. Now just think of what it would mean if you put Jesus as the most treasured possession you owned.


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