Sunday, May 8, 2011

Born to Lie

The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. Proverbs 12:22 NLT

We were born to lie. From an early age we find out the best way to avoid a punishment was to come up with an excuse, and there have been some classics. “I have no idea how that got there, honest.” “Seriously, the dog really did eat my homework.” “It wasn’t me, I was dead at the time!” Yet, it seems like our parents and teachers have some sort of special power to see right through our little white lies. I never really understood how sinful we are, even at birth, until I had children of my own.

I heard a loud bang and somehow my two year old son managed to build a tower out of toys and climb over the security gate that was intended on keeping him in his room. A couple of minutes later I hear another noise and this time I heard him climbing over the kitchen gate. Still half asleep I knew it was time to get up.

Before I could get dressed and out of the room I heard the strangest popping noise coming from the kitchen. This couldn’t be good. I quickly run out and to my surprise an egg goes soaring past my eyes and slams into the wall. I turn the corner and there he is covered in egg shells. “Kaiden! Did you open the refrigerator? He looked up at me with yolk dripping off his hand and says, “No daddy.” Wow, even at that age, he could look me straight in the eyes. As cute as it was, it proved my point.

The problem with lying is that it not only hurts your integrity but also can hurt others around you. Even if you can fool your friends and family there is still one you can’t trick. Take the time to think before you tell a lie and if you get caught in one, don’t use another lie just to cover it up. “Oh, I was just joking, I really didn’t mean that.” Seriously? Thankfully Jesus didn’t lie when he promised to die on the cross for our sins.


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