Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fearing Fate

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 NLT

I was not about to take any chances. I knew death was quickly coming, and my ticket was about to be punched. As I sat down in the chair of doom, I realized I might not live to see another day. I realized it was time for my wisdom teeth to come out.

It would be an understatement to say that I was scared. The English language cannot comprehend the feelings and thoughts that raced through my head. But one thing was for sure. Before I went under, I was going to repent for everything I had ever done since I was born, from the time I took the little boy’s ice cream from him and ate it when I was in second grade to cheating on a math test I knew I was going to fail. I was cleaning my soul at 90 mph.

Once the IV entered my skin, I knew it was only a matter of minutes before I would be out. It was time to witness to the doctor. As the room began to spin, I told my doctor that Jesus loves him, and that if he would just accept him into his life, he would live forever. I told him about the heavens and the angels and the pretty birdies (at this point I was high on laughing gas, so I made up the concept of heaven as I went).

I remember waking up, and by the grace of God, I was still alive. I wish I would have seen the look on the doctor’s face. I wondered if he took mental notes on how much Novocain he should give his patients in the future. I encourage you this week to share the gospel with a friend. Don’t wait till your back is against a wall to ask for forgiveness of your sins, and don’t wait until a loved one is on the death bed before you share the gospel with them.


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