Saturday, May 14, 2011


Do you play a sport for school or for your town or city? Do you play an instrument? Do you sing in a band or for competition? Do you ride equestrian? Are you on the debate, chess, or math team? Are you on student council? Do you have anything that you are really good at such as painting, sculpture, or drama?
I thought so. How many of us can raise our hand to at least half of those questions. I am not saying that's a bad thing because I can too. Now though let me ask you another question.

Have you ever gotten a compliment on any of the things that you said yes to before? Ahhhh, I thought so. That's cool though because I am absolutely 100% positive that you deserved it. Think, though, for a second; after someone gave you that compliment, how did you feel? Those things make you feel pretty good don't they? It makes you feel successful, important, skillful, talented, noticed, popular, and all those things are good things, so if that is how you feel please don't feel that you have done anything wrong.

Today after a volleyball tournament, I began to think. I thought about all the players and how many compliments we take each day. The key two words in that sentence, though, are "we take". As Christians we know God our father, we know he made us and he loves us. He knows everything about us to the very first details.

Jesus said to them "through man this is impossible, but through God ALL things are possible." Matthew 19:26 NIV
Have you ever though about what you would be without God? Would you be able to do the things that you do, to the extent to which you do them? Would you be able to handle your schedule? Would you be you without the talents that God gave to you to make you special?

Next time that someone says "good job," or "awesome play," or anything like that to you, thank God; thank Him for making you who you are with the gifts that you have. And share with people who tell you these complimentary things how you got good at the things you do.

Live in His grace always.


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