Monday, May 16, 2011

Cast Your Cares

Missy was the kind of girl that everyone wanted to know. She had lots of friends, was always happy, always looked at the positive side of things, was always there for her friends, and always had the time to listen and make you smile. She was one of those people who, when you asked her how she was, never said bad, and 99% of the time her answer was "great." She always found joy in something, something that often many wondered where she got the strength to find it in.

"Ask, using my name and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy." John 16:24 NIV

Missy found her joy, and the joy she shared with others, in God. Her God, her Heavenly Father, and her best friend Jesus. That's how people always saw her as happy and cheerful. The past few days though, Missy had a strange feeling within her. She had a full day at school, went to volleyball, and now was at home finished with her homework. She sat on her bed holding her pillow in her arms, as out of no where tears began to pour down her cheeks. For a reason unbeknown to her, Missy couldn't stop crying. For the past days, sad feelings had building up inside of her, and her heart weighed heavy. Nothing in particular had been terribly wrong, but little things had piled up and eventually poured out. Missy needed peace with herself, and with her issues.

"I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27

Friends, sometimes there are times in our life that pile up on us, and rain over us like rushing floods. But our God is there for us, to give us love, peace, joy, and an understanding.

Especially as teens, we go through times where sometimes we just don't know who we are anymore, but God is there to show us our path. "Cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you." Turn your cares over to him.


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